USD 85.91
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RUB 1.03

Kyrgyzstan publishes 270 sets of textbooks in Braille

Textbooks in Braille have been delivered to special general education boarding schools for blind and visually impaired children in Bishkek and Osh cities. The press service of the Ministry of Education and Science of Kyrgyzstan reported.

According to it, the ministry purchased services for publishing revision and replication of textbooks with raised dot font in Russian (30 sets each) at the expense of the republican budget:

  • Fatneva A.G., Tsukanova N.E., Nazarbekova G.D. English for the 3rd grade;
  • Tsukanova N.E., Fatneva A.G., Zholchieva A.A. English for the 4th grade;
  • Abdysheva Ch., Baluta O. English for the 5th grade;
  • Abdysheva Ch., Baluta O. English for the 6th grade;
  • Tsybulya I.N., Samykbaeva L.A., Belyaev A.A., Osipova N.N., Mambetakunov U.E. Computer Science for grades 7-9;
  • Azimova M., Arunova A., Maslova I. Man and Society for 7th grade;
  • Azimova M., Arunova A., Maslova I. Man and Society for 8th grade;
  • Mambetakunov E., Murzaibraimova B. Physics for 7th grade;
  • Ryspaeva B., Moldogazieva S., Baidinov T. Chemistry for the 8th grade.

«The total circulation of textbooks is 270 sets, or 1,650 books,» the Ministry of Education added.
