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Kamchybek Tashiev: Russian language is important for our future generations

Chairman of the State Committee for National Security of Kyrgyzstan (SCNS) Kamchybek Tashiev commented on the speech of the Speaker of the Parliament at a parliamentary meeting, where he called for giving children Kyrgyz names, and spoke about the status of other languages.

According to Kamchybek Tashiev, reduction of the use of other languages in the daily life of our society for the sake of developing or preserving the Kyrgyz language is a fallacy.

«Kyrgyz will not develop if there are no other languages. Our future generation, along with Kyrgyz, should know other languages. After all, through other languages you can understand the world and introduce new technologies developed in other countries into our country. Based on this, our republic will develop, keeping up with foreign civilization. For example, I’ll tell about myself; for several years now we have been paying extra to two teachers who teach Russian and English to children from villages. My goal is for them to also learn other languages and explore the world,» he said.

The SCNS head added that he does not support the speaker on this issue, since the Russian language is very important for future generations.

«Kyrgyz is our native language, and we will not forget it until the end of our lives. Regarding names, it is worth remembering that we are the Muslim population. In general, beautiful Kyrgyz Muslim names are the best, for example, Kamchybek,» he noted.

Earlier, the Speaker of the Parliament of Kyrgyzstan Nurlanbek Shakiev proposed to abandon Arabic names and called to give children Kyrgyz names. He proposed blocking cartoons and games for children in English and Russian and creating them in Kyrgyz. According to the speaker, children even in remote villages begin to speak Russian and English.