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Deputy Energy Minister calls power outages ‘regulatory measures’

«Regulatory measures on the operation of automatic equipment are possible in some areas,» Deputy Minister of Energy of Kyrgyzstan Taalaibek Baigaziev said at a press conference.

According to him, there are many cases of consumption of electricity for heating to date. Therefore, daily electricity consumption has increased to 69-70 million kilowatt-hours and is practically not decreasing.

«This suggests that the population no longer wants to use coal and other alternative sources for heating. Due to high load, the automatic load reduction system activates. It was introduced before, but it was not activated. This year, due to the imbalance, it activates during the evening maximum load hours,» Taalaibek Baigaziev said.

Kyrgyzstanis have been complaining about regular power outages for several hours for the third week in a row.