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Cryptocurrency mining tax receipts decrease by 707,300 soms for month

In September, budget revenues from cryptocurrency mining taxes amounted to 7,226.6 million soms. Report of the Ministry of Finance of Kyrgyzstan on budget execution says.

Over the month, the figure decreased by 707,300 soms. A decrease in revenues was recorded for the second month in a row.

The highest volume of receipts since the beginning of the year was in August — 11.6 million. Previously, high levels of cryptocurrency mining tax transfers were registered in June (10,544.3 million soms) and July (10,414.8 million).

In just ten months, this tax replenished the treasury by 70,998.6 million soms.

Payments began to grow actively in the second quarter of the year. In April — August, the budget received 49,180.7 million soms, or 88 percent of all payments.

The least amount of the tax was paid in February 2023 — 738,000 soms.