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Record consumption of electricity registered in Kyrgyzstan

Maximum summer daily electricity consumption was registered in Kyrgyzstan on July 27. Electric Stations OJSC provided such data.

Consumption amounted to 35,353 million kilowatt-hours. Previously, record consumption was registered on July 7, 2021 (32,759 million kilowatt-hours), September 8, 2017 (27,270 million kilowatt-hours) and on July 11, 2021 (21,994 million kilowatt-hours).

«In conditions of high energy consumption and against the backdrop of a summer repair campaign, the facilities of Electric Stations OJSC operate stably,» the company said.

Power sector representatives also note that the summer months are traditionally characterized by surges in electricity consumption during the day. During this period, people massively turn on air conditioners. Such surges are covered by hydro and thermal generation.

«Hydro generation depends on the volume of water in Toktogul reservoir. Thermal generation is provided by the Bishkek Heating and Power Plant. As of today, July 28, the volume of water in Toktogul reservoir is 12,822 billion cubic meters. The inflow remains at a below average level of 673 cubic meters per second, despite the peak of the season of active melting of snow and ice masses in the upper reaches of Naryn river. This is due to a natural factor — dry winters in the past few years,» the company notes.

Power sector specialists again call for reasonable electricity consumption. At the same time, they note that there are consumers who do not limit the consumption of electricity, despite repeated recommendations. These are commercial facilities.

«The Ministry of Energy offers a different tariff — «unlimited» one for such consumers. It provides for increased payment for high consumption. This will stimulate a responsible attitude towards the electricity generated and supplied to the consumer,» the company concluded.