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President Sadyr Japarov addresses corrupt officials

Officials involved in corruption should not return to government and municipal service. The President of Kyrgyzstan Sadyr Japarov said at a meeting of the Council of Heads of Local Government Bodies and Local State Administrations.

He noted that the fight against corruption will continue.

«When revealing corruption facts, we understood how we ended up in the current state. All the heads of the state bodies just want to sit out, they are used to fooling people. Law enforcement agencies concealed the facts of corruption. Because of corruption, we cannot get on the path of development. The people know everything: who and how lives, how they get rich, what the children of corrupt officials eat. These issues should concern each of you. The Anti-Corruption Service of the State Committee for National Security returned to the budget 7.5 billion soms that have been previously stolen. This is not intimidation, this is the demand of the people. As you can see, even high-ranking officials are held accountable,» the head of state said.

According to him, the legislative framework for combating corruption will be strengthened.

«In developed countries, people caught in corruption cannot return to civil service. We must also introduce such standards,» Sadyr Japarov noted.