Vaccination against influenza is carried out in Bishkek. Press service of the City Hall reported with reference to the State Sanitary and Epidemiological Surveillance Center.
The capital received 14,685 doses of the Russian-made Grippol Plus influenza vaccine.
«All family medicine centers vaccinate people at risk against influenza: children from orphanages, sickly children, residents of homes for the elderly and specialized homes for people with disabilities. Medical workers who work in emergency departments, maternity hospitals, intensive care units, primary health care centers, family practitioners and elderly people over 65 years old are also vaccinated,» the City Hall said.
Vaccination against influenza is also carried out on a paid basis in private medical centers: Malysh, Hippocrates, Edelweiss, Krokha, Polyclinic 312, KG medical center, TsADMIR, Intermedical. The cost of vaccination in private medical centers is from 450 to 700 soms.
According to WHO recommendations, the interval between vaccinations against coronavirus infection and influenza should be at least 14 days.
Earlier, the Education Department of the capital reported that an increase in the incidence of ARVI is observed with the onset of cold weather in Bishkek.