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Aibek Kaliev charged with one more offence - fraud

Former head of the National Energy Holding Aibek Kaliev was charged with one more offence — fraud. His lawyer Baktybek Zhumashev told 24.kg news agency.

Aibek Kaliev is a defendant in the case on modernization of the Bishkek Heating and Power Plant and its breakdown. He has already been sentenced within the case.

According to Baktybek Zhumashev, his client is accused of fraudulent sale of a car purchased from TBEA to a third party.

«Investigators qualified this car as criminally acquired property. Although this is not so. Moreover, not he but his brother sold the car, and he received the money according to the deal. So there is no violation of the law here,» Baktybek Zhumashev said and added that this was another fabricated charge.

The former prime ministers Sapar Isakov and Zhantoro Satybaldiev, deputy of the Parliament Osmonbek Artykbaev, top managers of the energy sector Salaydin Avazov and Aibek Kaliev are kept in the SCNS pre-trial detention center. Ex-finance minister Olga Lavrova is on house arrest.

All of them are charged with abuse of office and corruption.