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Kyrgyzstan to approve list of cars that could be seized from citizens

Kyrgyzstan will approve a list of cars that could be seized from citizens for the needs of the state. The corresponding document is put up for public discussion.

According to the Committee on Defense Affairs, the provision On Military Transport Duties was adopted in 2000 after the Batken events. At present, it has lost its relevance.

The above-mentioned resolution does not specify lists of vehicles provided to the Armed Forces and other military formations of Kyrgyzstan, as well as owners of vehicles exempted from the provision of the vehicles.

The main part of vehicles is owned by private persons. The account of availability is not kept, and the technical condition of the cars is not specified due to lack of necessary information. The number of faulty vehicles in organizations and enterprises has increased, regardless of the form of ownership and citizen-owners of vehicles. Due to lack of legislative base, information about them is not received by the local military command and control agencies.

Lack of funding does not allow to repair and meet the mobilization needs of the Armed Forces and other military formations of Kyrgyzstan to ensure the defense capability of the state as a whole.

The main part of serviceable vehicles produced in last years is privately owned by citizens.

The above-mentioned problematic issues point to the need to introduce new forms and approaches to the vehicle accounting system for transfer to the Armed Forces.

The military transport duty applies to:

  • State bodies, local state administrations and local self-government bodies;
  • Legal entities, regardless of the form of ownership, which are the owners of vehicles;
  • Legal entities that own vehicles and provide for the operation of vehicles, including docks, airports, oil depots, fuel trans-shipment bases, gas stations, repair and other enterprises and organizations and their assets;
  • Citizens-owners of vehicles and their property.

The military transport duty does not apply to diplomatic missions and consular offices of foreign states, foreign and international organizations, foreign citizens and stateless persons.

The vehicles of emergency medical stations, blood transfusions, postal, cash-in-transit vehicles, in-plant cars, vehicles operating only on gas fuels are not subject to transfer to the Armed Forces.

For the owners of vehicles and property, a military transport duty arises from the moment of handing him an order or contract of a local military command authority to transfer the vehicle and property available to the Armed Forces and terminates at the moment the local military control authority withdraws its order or contract.

The military-transport duty is executed in peacetime and wartime.
