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Court hearing of Aida Salyanova’s case postponed for 3rd time

The court hearing of the case against Aida Salyanova was postponed for the third time. Her lawyer Chynara Dzhakupbekova participates in another trial and could not come to Leninsky District Court of Bishkek today, where the case of the former Minister of Justice is heard.

The previous hearing did not take place because of the illness of the lawyer. Judge Kubanychbek Kasymbekov was indignant when he learned that Chynara Dzhakupbekova was on sick leave, and said that the time presses, because two months were given for Salyanova’s trial. The judge promised Aida Salyanova a duty lawyer. She refused.

Aida Salyanova is accused of abuse of office. According to the investigation, in 2010 she unlawfully renewed the license to Aleksey Eliseev, against whom criminal cases were instituted under a number of articles of the Criminal Code of the Kyrgyz Republic.