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Fine of 100,000 soms proposed for insults and slander in the media

The Code of Offenses is proposed to be supplemented with an article on slander and insults in the media. The corresponding bill was adopted by the Committee on Transport, Communications, Architecture and Construction of the Parliament of Kyrgyzstan.

If the amendments come into force, then fines in the amount of 1,000 calculated rates (100,000 soms) will be introduced for slander and insults of individuals, and 2,000 calculated rates (200,000 soms) — for legal entities.

Deputy Iskhak Masaliev spoke out against these amendments. According to him, slander and insults should be punished, but the fines should be proportionate. He noted that fines for more serious crimes are much lower.

The deputy is also outraged by the fact that the Ministry of Culture is responsible for enforcement of the law.

«How do you imagine the Ministry of Culture fining? This has nothing to do with culture. Let’s then rename the ministry or make it a division of the State Committee for National Security or the Ministry of Internal Affairs. And let’s give Maksutov (Minister of Culture. — Note of 24.kg news agency) the rank of a General,» Iskhak Masaliev said.
