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Fair “From Heart to Heart” held in Bishkek

A charity fair «From Heart to Heart» dedicated to Mother’s Day took place in Bishkek on May 24 near the monument to Kurmanzhan Datka. The Republican Center for Health Promotion and Mass Communication of the Ministry of Health of the Kyrgyz Republic reported.

The event was dedicated to the popularization of active longevity, prevention of aging, as well as recognition of the importance of mothers and grandmothers in raising children and strengthening families.

About 50 self-help groups of elderly people from Issyk-Kul, Chui regions and Bishkek participated in the fair. They presented products made of felt, wool, national souvenir products and much more.

Master classes on first aid and proper nutrition were held at the fair, where guests were able to receive information about healthy eating as an essential element of maintaining and promoting health and an indispensable condition for achieving active longevity.

Everyone was able to measure their blood pressure, take part in a prizes-for-all lottery and health exercises.
