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Service centers to provide state services to Kyrgyzstanis abroad

State (consular) services will be provided to citizens of Kyrgyzstan abroad in pilot mode through service centers. The Cabinet of Ministers adopted a corresponding resolution.

The document was developed to improve the system of providing consular services abroad and ensure access to services for citizens staying in places where there are no diplomatic missions and consular institutions of Kyrgyzstan.

The pilot project will be implemented from March 1, 2024 to March 1, 2025.

The Ministry of Foreign Affairs has worked out the issue of cooperation on the provision of service centers in Russia — work areas for receiving citizens, including all ranges of related services, in particular pre-appointment, equipment, ensuring the safety of both employees and visitors, a 24/7 call center for consultations with citizens, notification of document readiness, etc.

«The provision of consular services in service centers will create comfortable and favorable conditions for citizens who will have the opportunity to receive services without expensive and time-consuming travel and flights,» the Cabinet of Ministers commented on the decision.

According to estimates, more than 1 million citizens are outside Kyrgyzstan to date.