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Kyrgyzstanis to participate in World Teqball Championship

Teqball players from Kyrgyzstan have qualified for the World Championship, which will be held from November 29 to December 3 in Bangkok (Thailand). The Teqball Federation of the Kyrgyz Republic reported on Instagram.

The team includes Tolgonai Almazbekova, Aidana Otorbaeva, Aitegin Erkinbekov and Aitegin Maksatbek.

Teqball is a young sport. It was invented in 2014 in Hungary by two football fans: Gabor Borsanyi and Viktor Huszar. The game resembles table tennis. A curved table and a football-like ball are used, which can be hit with any part of the body except the hands. Two players participate in a single game, two, three or four players — in a team game.
