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Russian Government approves ratification of agreement on construction of school

The Russian Government has approved the bill on ratification of the agreement with Kyrgyzstan on joint schools with education in Russian language. The website of the Cabinet of Ministers reported.

The document will be submitted to the State Duma. The agreement sets out the conditions and procedure for the creation in the Kyrgyz Republic of joint general educational organizations with education according to Russian standards.

In the coming years, Russia plans to build nine schools in Kyrgyzstan in all regions of the country, which more than 11,000 children will attend.

A ceremony of laying capsules for the construction of schools in Bishkek, Batken and Karakol was held on September 1. The construction itself will begin in 2024. It is planned to build three educational institutions each year. The first three will be commissioned in 2025.

In June, the head of the Cabinet of Ministers, Akylbek Japarov, informed the Chairman of the Government of the Russian Federation, Mikhail Mishustin, that the intergovernmental agreement on the construction of nine schools in the Kyrgyz Republic had passed all three readings in the Parliament and was being prepared for signing by the President.