USD 86.45
EUR 92.47
RUB 1.00

Heating and hot water tariffs increased

Tariff for heat energy and hot water has been increased from June 1. Order of the Department for Regulation of the Fuel and Energy Complex under the Ministry of Energy of Kyrgyzstan dated May 31 says.

The following tariffs were set (excluding taxes):

Heating (per Gcal):

  • Population — 1,248 soms;
  • Industrial facilities, budgetary and other consumers — 2,052 soms.

Hot water:

  • According to metering devices for population for 1 cubic meter — 72 soms;
  • According to consumption rate (per person per month) — 345 soms;
  • For industrial facilities, budgetary and other consumers — 117 soms.

 The last time the tariffs for heating and hot water supply were raised in October 2015. Then the population paid 1,134.76 soms (excluding taxes) for Gcal of heating and 64.38 soms per cubic meter of hot water based on reading of metering devices.

Cold water tariff was also increased in Bishkek. The population will pay 10.45 soms (excluding taxes), budgetary organizations — 12.95 soms, other consumers — 18.5 soms for a cubic meter of water, for wastewater disposal — 3.45, 4.5 and 9 soms, respectively.
