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Programmers create petition to replace word "Kirgiziya" with "Kyrgyzstan"

Representatives of Birtops creative agency, together with a team of independent programmers, created a special extension for Chrome web browser. Birtops page on Instagram says.

After its downloading the incorrect name of the country — «Kirgiziya» will be crossed out and replaced by the correct one — «Kyrgyzstan».

The creators, together with the Kyrgyzstanis supporting the initiative, urge the Russian-speaking world to call the country correctly — Kyrgyzstan, not Kirgiziya.

«The goal of the initiative is to express a common position on how the independent republic is correctly called in Russian, and to speed up the correction of incorrect country names on the Russian-language Internet,» the petition says.

Users can download the extension by clicking on the link and sign the petition on change.org, which will be sent after the collection period to the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Kyrgyz Republic, Russian-language media and Wikipedia for official correction.