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Signatures for reduction of members of Parliament collected in Kyrgyzstan

Users of social networks collect signatures for reduction of the number of deputies of Kyrgyzstan’s Parliament from 120 to 35. The petition is signed at Change. org

The author of the petition is Alena Khomenko. She stresses that it is planned to spend 786.6 million soms on the maintenance of the Parliament in 2019. If the amount is divided into 120 deputies, then each elected deputy costs the Kyrgyz citizens 6.5 million soms per year.

«Meanwhile, not all parliament members show intelligence and wit, they draw up unnecessary bills,» the author of the petition stresses.

She proposes not only to reduce the number of deputies, but also to abolish all privileges and reduce salaries. As of today, the petition has been signed by 4,500 people.