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Petition against deployment of CSTO peacekeepers in Kazakhstan launched

A petition against deployment of CSTO peacekeeping troops in Kazakhstan appeared on Change.org platform.

It is addressed to the leaders of the organization. The author of the petition, Roman Kiselev, drew attention to the fact that protests remained predominantly peaceful until recently, limiting themselves to individual retaliatory actions in order to neutralize the violence on the part of the security forces.

According to him, the attempt to get external military support can only be explained by the complete loss of legitimacy by the president of Kazakhstan in the eyes of his own people, and by his inability to find support for the retention of authoritarian power amid thousands of demonstrations even among the most loyal segments of the population.

Roman Kiselev notes that the CSTO states can turn to the UN Security Council in case the heads of the countries really believe that the protests may pose a threat to peace and international security.

The petition has already been signed by almost 3,500 people.

Users of social media in Kyrgyzstan also urge not to send troops to the neighboring republic.

Protests have been taking place in the cities of Kazakhstan for several days caused by the rise in price of liquefied gas. They later escalated into clashes with the police and riots, Almaty city suffered the most.

A state of emergency has been introduced throughout the country, which will be in force until January 19. The government resigned. The chairman of the Security Council of Kazakhstan was also replaced, Kassym-Zhomart Tokayev became the chairman instead of Nursultan Nazarbayev.

The CSTO Collective Security Council decided to send peacekeeping forces to the republic.