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Flash mob in support of journalists launched on social media

A flash mob was launched on social media in support of journalists and the media.

Its participants note that the purpose of the campaign is to draw the attention of the public of different states to the situation with freedom of speech in Kyrgyzstan.

Various cases of pressure on journalists and the media in Kyrgyzstan will be published on the personal accounts of journalists from different countries with the hashtags #ForKyrgyzJournalist, #ForKyrgyzMedia. Use these hashtags to join the campaign. Participation of journalists from Georgia, Moldova, Ukraine, Kazakhstan, Lithuania and other states is expected.

An online petition has been launched on Change.org and Avaaz platforms to collect signatures in support of journalists and the media in Kyrgyzstan.

The flash mob will end on December 9, the eve of the International Human Rights Day. A teleconference between journalists from different countries will also take place. Media workers will appeal to the President of Kyrgyzstan with a request to stop pressure on the media, to cancel legislative initiatives that restrict freedom of speech.