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Construction of sewerage system begins in Balykchy

Construction of a sewerage system with the length of 10.7 kilometers begun in Balykchy. Office of the Presidential Envoy to Issyk-Kul region reported.

The system will run through Tynystanov, Togolok Moldo, Mambetaliev, Toktosunov, Karalaev and Kaldybaev Streets. The pumping station will be installed on Ozernaya Street.

The Presidential Envoy to the region Altynbek Sulaimanov thanked the Asian Development Bank for its assistance in the implementation of the project.

«When construction is completed, 35-40 percent of Balykchy residents will be able to connect to the sewerage system. Previously, sewerage covered only 40 percent of the city, the figure will increase to 80 percent. Sewerage systems will also be built in Karakol and Cholpon-Ata,» Altynbek Sulaimanov told.