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Voting results: Losing parties hold another rally near CEC in Bishkek

Parties that lost the elections hold another rally in front of the building of the Central Election Commission (CEC) in Bishkek. According to the preliminary results of voting, they could not overcome the five percent threshold.

Representatives of Uluttar Birimdigi, Green Party of Kyrgyzstan, Ata Meken, Azattyk and others participate in the rally. About 70 people gathered for the protest, people continue to arrive.

They demand annulment of the voting results and invalidation of the elections.

«We hold the rally to express our opinion. Our party was written on the ballots as «Zhashyldar». Many, even ethnic Kyrgyz, could not understand that it was the Green Party of Kyrgyzstan. On Friday, SCNS officers also illegally and unreasonably detained three of our candidates without the permission of the Central Election Commission. This is pressure. Plus, there was information in the media that the party was allegedly removed from the race. Therefore, our Russian-speaking electorate either did not understand our name, or they thought that we were removed and we did not get votes. We had 2.4 percent of the votes before the system failure, and then — 0.4 percent,» one of the participants, Roman Remnev, told.

Elections of deputies of the seventh convocation of the Parliament have been held in Kyrgyzstan. According to preliminary data from the Central Election Commission, six parties get into the Parliament. Winners in single-seat constituencies were also announced. The votes are being counted manually.