USD 87.45
EUR 90.05
RUB 0.85

Bishkek to host school of real journalism

The traditional school of real journalism will start working in Bishkek city. Classes will be held on November 12 and November 13.

It is expected that Dmitry Mikhailin, General Director of Russian Reporters, media manager Aleksey Aleshkovsky, scriptwriter and creative producer Yuri Vasiliev, the best reporter in Russia, a columnist for the Internet media outlet Vzglyad, and Maxim Kornev, media expert, editorial director of Journalist magazine will arrive in the republic as teachers.

You can register on anorusrep.ru website by clicking on «Heroes Over the Borders» button or by following this link.

Participation in the project is free at all stages.

Upon completion of the course, all participants will get a certificate. A contest of journalistic works «Heroes Over Borders» — about people who change the world for the better, regardless of nationalities and borders, will be announced in each country.

The main prizes of the competition are paid internships at the leading federal media of Russia in Moscow.
