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Protesters demand resignation of judge in Bishkek

Rally took place near the building of the Supreme Court of Kyrgyzstan in Bishkek.

The protesters demanded resignation of the judge of the Sverdlovsky District Court of the capital, Alma Kadyrkulova. According to Rajap Abdurasulov, in 2010, Emil Mamytov, a former judge of the Alamedinsky District Court, was hired by a private company Trans Monitoring LLC. He stole money from the firm for seven years.

«In particular, Emil Mamytov, being one of the senior executives of the company, appropriated its money and property. Then, having forged the signature of a Russian citizen, he appropriated the company. The Main Internal Affairs Department of Bishkek opened a criminal case, but Mamytov obstructed the investigation in every possible way, as a result, the case was sent to the Main Investigation Department of the State Committee for National Security. Investigators charged him with fraud and sent the materials to court. Mamytov was taken into custody, but on October 7, 2020, the judge of the Sverdlovsky District Court, Alma Kadyrkulova, placed him under house arrest,» Rajap Abdurasulov told.

The victim added that Emil Mamytov is delaying consideration of the case in court.

«Mamytov’s accomplice in the case is the wife of the current judge, Ashybek Kurmanov. She was a notary who helped to forge documents. When the case was brought to court, Emil Mamytov began to drag out the process. The case was taken by Alma Kadyrkulova, although before that it was considered by the judge Sanzhar Chotonov. The victims in the case are citizens of Kyrgyzstan, Russia and Kazakhstan,» Rajap Abdurasulov told.