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First session of Bishkek City Council starts in capital

The first regular session of the 28th convocation of the Bishkek City Council started in the capital.

The right to chair the first session, in accordance with the current legislation, is granted to the oldest deputy. It is Oleg Popikov from Onuguu-Progress faction in the current convocation.

The deputies will be presented with certificates and badges, after which each of them will take an oath.

The agenda includes organizational issues related to the creation of standing commissions, election of the chairman of the Bishkek City Council and his deputy.

The repeat elections were held on July 11. Six political parties overcame the seven percent threshold. The mandates were distributed as follows: Emgek — 11, Ata Zhurt Kyrgyzstan — 9, Ishenim — 8, Yntymak — 7, Onuguu-Progress — 5, Social Democrats — 5.
