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Culture Ministry develops Concept of Information Policy for 2021-2025

The Ministry of Culture of Kyrgyzstan has developed a Concept of Information Policy for 2021-2025. The corresponding draft resolution of the Cabinet of Ministers has been submitted for public discussion.

As the background statement says, «the concept is a set of views, principles, approaches developed jointly by representatives of government agencies and the media community to ensure the country’s information sovereignty, create a favorable environment for media development, ensure freedom of speech and access to information».

The document is a framework document and determines the priorities, tasks, mechanisms and key actions for implementation of the information policy of the republic.

«The concept forms the basis for the adoption of regulatory legal acts, determines the main directions of the activities of state and local government bodies in their interaction with the media in order to form the country’s information sovereignty, ensure freedom of speech and access to information,» the document says.

The ministry added that the information policy of the state includes three main areas:

  • Development of media policy aimed at creating conditions for the development of the media sphere, ensuring freedom of speech, access to information in accordance with international standards;
  • Development of information infrastructure (provision of universal broadband access to the Internet; creation of a network of backbone fiber-optic communication lines with cross-border outlets and an extensive network of fiber-optic communication lines covering all regions of the country; development of mobile Internet; provision of «step-by-step» accessibility of users to telecommunication services / ICT; providing affordable access to telecommunication / ICT services) and digital skills for the population;
  • Ensuring information security (protection of the interests of the individual, society and the state in the information sphere, creation of an effective national information security system and countering threats).