USD 86.45
EUR 92.47
RUB 1.00

Exchange rate of U.S. dollar starts growing in Kyrgyzstan

Exchange rate of the U.S. dollar started growing in Kyrgyzstan after a drop and it is currently close to 81 soms.

The currency is bought for 80.45-80.6 soms, and sold for 80.8-80.95 soms. It has grown by almost a som for a day.

The nominal exchange rate was set by the National Bank at 80.7 soms (2.94 percent drop).

Exchange rates of euro and Russian ruble remain stable. The ruble is bought for 1.05-1.07 soms and sold for 1,085-1.11 soms. Buying rate of the euro was set at 97.1-97.9 soms, and the selling rate — at 98.8-99.3 soms.