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Presidential elections: CEC approves cost estimate for campaign

The Central Commission for Elections and Referenda of Kyrgyzstan (CEC) approved the cost estimate for the preparation and organization of early presidential elections scheduled for January 10, 2021.

According to the legislation, expenses of election commissions on activities related to the preparation and holding of elections, referendums, and management of the electoral process are funded from the republican budget within the approved cost estimate. In connection with the epidemiological situation, the CEC formed a detailed cost estimate, taking into account only the measures necessary for organizing the process.

The estimate takes into account the costs of organizing the work of 2,475 precinct polling stations, including 45 polling stations abroad, transportation costs for delivery of equipment for biometric identification of voters, sets of computer equipment, automatic reading ballot boxes for receiving and processing of ballots, as well as for delivery of ballots, means to ensure sanitary and epidemiological safety.

As of November 10, at least 3,544,403 voters have been registered in Kyrgyzstan. This is 518,633 voters more than in the 2017 presidential elections.

Taking into account that, as a rule, 10-12 people work at one election commission, the total number of PEC members will be 31,150 people, members of territorial election commissions — 650. TEC and PEC members receive remuneration for the period of preparation and holding of elections that is 2,000 — 3,000 soms per month. The cost estimate also includes remuneration to involved operators — 1,987 people (their number is calculated based on the number of voters) and specialists of technical support groups — 600 people.

On the election day and the day before it, in connection with round-the-clock work, the law provides for daily expenses for food for members of TECs and PECs, involved identification operators (1,846 people), employees of the Ministry of Internal Affairs (4,680 people) responsible for ensuring security and order.

Thus, the expenses will amount to 137,290,267 soms.

CEC registers candidates until December 14 inclusive. Within two calendar days after registration, candidate receives the appropriate certificate. If he or she is denied registration, they must be notified of this within 24 hours after the CEC makes the decision.

Early presidential elections will be held on January 10, 2021 in Kyrgyzstan.