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Parliament of Kyrgyzstan to meet at state residence

Deputies of the Parliament of Kyrgyzstan will gather for a session tomorrow, on October 10. The Parliament informed 24.kg news agency.

The meeting will take place at the state residence.

«The deputies will discuss the situation in the country and all the problems. Many deputies are ready to meet, so there will be a quorum,» the Parliament representatives noted.

This is not the first attempt by the deputies to muster a quorum. Earlier, a group of parliament members tried to hold a meeting at the Cinema House, another — at Dostuk hotel. The latter nominated the Speaker and the Prime Minister.

Myktybek Abdyldaev, nominated by some of the deputies for the post of the Speaker, said that the deputies would muster a quorum in the next day, since approval of the decree on the state of emergency should not be delayed. The terms are spelled in the constitutional law.