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24.5 kilometers of roads asphalted in Kyrgyzstan since beginning of 2019

At least 24.5 kilometers of roads have been asphalted in Kyrgyzstan since the beginning of the construction season in 2019. The Ministry of Transport and Roads reported.

According to the ministry, asphalt concrete pavement was laid on 10 kilometers of local roads at the expense of the budget. Frontier and priority roads, as well as objects that were not completed in 2018 were also asphalted.

«Thanks to investment projects, 14.5 kilometers of new roads were built, including 2 kilometers of North-South, 5 kilometers of Bishkek — Kara-Balta, 1.5 kilometers of Osh — Batken — Isfana — Khujant and 6 kilometers of Osh — Batken — Isfana roads,» the message says.
