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QIWI operator recommended to suspend payments in favor of third parties

QIWI payment operator has been recommended to temporarily suspend acceptance of payments and payments for goods and services from March 1, 2019. The National Bank of Kyrgyzstan reported.

Based on a statement by one of the owners of United Instant Payments System LLC (hereinafter UIPS LLC), company’s current accounts were blocked by court decision.

«In connection with the risk of disrupting smooth functioning of the payment system, in order to avoid the growth of UIPS LLC liabilities, to ensure timely settlements with suppliers of goods / services in the framework of receiving payments from service consumers, as well as to protect consumer rights, the National Bank instructed UIPS LLC to suspend payments acceptance,» the message says.

The National Bank recommends to use alternative payment systems and methods of accepting payments.

«The National Bank, within the authority provided by the legislation, takes the necessary measures to minimize risks for the payment system of the Kyrgyz Republic and protect the rights of consumers of financial services,» the National Bank of the Kyrgyz Republic summed up.