USD 87.45
EUR 91.63
RUB 0.97

Mutton price in Bishkek is the lowest among EEU capitals

The minimum average consumer price for mutton ($ 4.07) among the capitals of the countries of the Eurasian Economic Union in November 2018 was registered in Bishkek. The National Statistical Committee of Kyrgyzstan reported.

According to it, Moscow (Russia) had the maximum average consumer prices for basic foodstuffs in November 2018 compared with the rest of the capitals of the EEU countries. In November 2018, the maximum average consumer price for eggs ($ 1.07 per dozen) was recorded in Moscow, and the minimum ($ 0.82) — in Astana (Kazakhstan).

The minimum average consumer price for mutton ($ 4.07 for 1 kilogram) in November 2018 was registered in Bishkek, and for pasteurized milk ($ 0.62 per 1 liter) — in Minsk (Belarus).

In November 2018, the average consumer price for pasteurized milk in Bishkek was higher than in the capital of Kazakhstan, Astana. In addition, in November 2018, the average prices for bread made from first-grade flour in Bishkek exceeded their level in Astana by 35 percent, and for potatoes — by 4.3 percent.

But the comparison of the purchasing power of an average monthly salary is far from being in favor of the capital of Kyrgyzstan. Due to low wages ($ 303.9), Bishkek lags behind other EEU capitals.

For example, one can buy 2.6 times less products for Bishkek salary than in Moscow.
