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Salaries of culture, art and education employees increased by 80% in Kyrgyzstan

Salaries of culture, art and education employees were increased by 80 percent in Kyrgyzstan. The decree was signed by the Prime Minister Mukhammedkaly Abylgaziev.

The government decree on the Introduction of New Salary System for Employees of Cultural, Art and Information Institutions dated January 19, 2011 was amended to set 1.8 ratio to salaries of employees of:

-Kyrgyz National Academic Drama Theater named after T. Abdumomunov;

— State National Russian Drama Theater of the Kyrgyz Republic named after Aitmatov;

— Osh National Drama Theater named after S. Ibraimov;

— National Historical Museum of the Kyrgyz Republic;

— Kyrgyz National Museum of Fine Arts named after G. Aytiev;

— National Historical and Archaeological Museum Complex Sulaiman-Too;

— National Film Studio Kyrgyzfilm named after T. Okeev of the Department of Cinematography at the Ministry of Culture, Information and Tourism.

The salaries of the teaching staff, accompanists and illustrators of the Bishkek Choreographic School named after Bazarbayev, Kyrgyz State Musical College named after M. Kurenkeyev, Kyrgyz State Art College named after S. Chuykov, Osh State Music College named after Niyazaly have also been increased by the same amount.