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RUB 0.85

Turnout in Kyrgyzstan at 16.00 comprises 35.8 percent

As of 4.00 pm voter turnout throughout the country was 35.8 percent. This was announced at the briefing in the government by the head of the Republican headquarters for holding the elections of the head of state, First Vice Prime Minister Tolkunbek Abdygulov.

According to him, the turnout for the oblasts for the same time was as follows:

— Bishkek — 39.1 percent;

— Chui oblast — 32.7 percent;

— Issyk-Kul oblast — 34.3 percent;

— Naryn oblast — 37.4 percent;

— Talas oblast — 41.1 percent;

— Osh oblast — 36.6 percent;

— Osh city — 49.4 percent;

— Jalal-Abad oblast — 29.8 per cent;

— Batken oblast — 34.7 percent.

«3,383 voters voted abroad, which is 18.2 percent,» Tolkunbek Abdygulov said.
