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Signature sheets of two presidential candidates declared invalid

The signature sheets of the two presidential candidates declared invalid. The decision was made at a meeting of the CEC.

Kanybek Shaiymbetov submitted 38,660 signatures. However, 7,732 signatures selected according to the results of a random sample turned out to be unreliable.

The same situation is with the signature sheets of another candidate — Temirbek Asanbekov. Out of 33,461 signatures, 22,560 were declared invalid.

CEC member Gulnara Dzhurabaeva asked to clarify with the working group how many specifically the signatures the group recognized as unreliable and for what reasons.

«As for Kanybek Shaiymbetov, the problem was that the first and last page of the problem was that the first and last page of the signature sheets was not filled. The CEC working group is right. Sheets are not filled properly. But I saw them, everything else was normal. It is evident that the signatures were indeed collected. As for Temirbek Asanbekov, I wanted to clarify how many signature sheets were invalidated due to the fact that passport details were not provided there. When we claimed forms of signature sheets, I was against specifying these passports. And if there are few such signatures, then it was possible to approve them. Therefore, I voted «against», but most of the CEC members decided otherwise,» Gulnara Dzhurabaeva commented to 24.kg news agency on the situation.

At the same time, the subscription lists of Taalatbek Masadykov, Kamchybek Tashiev and Ulukbek Kochkorov were recognized as valid. Each of them collected more than 30,000 signatures in their support.