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Two-year-old child dies in children's hospital in Bishkek

A two-year-old child died at the Bishkek City Children’s Hospital. Relatives of the boy’s family reported.

It is known that the baby had a high temperature, and therefore the parents went to the hospital. They assure that everything was fine with their son, but a couple of hours later the doctors informed them that the child had died. Doctors are accused of negligence.

The chief doctor of the hospital, Akylbek Mamanov, voiced his version of the incident. According to him, the child was brought in on January 13. His mother said that her son had been sick for two days. Upon admission, he was diagnosed with ARVI, acute laryngotracheal stenosis.

The head doctor notes that the hospital followed protocol, and the parents were nearby. The doctors provided primary care, also improved the patient’s condition, inhalation was performed, oxygen was connected, saturation was increased to 96-98. The boy was conscious.

«He was in the arms of his parents, they were waiting for an ambulance. Within a few minutes the condition of the boy worsened sharply. The doctors on duty sent the child to intensive care unit, and everything possible was done. Unfortunately, the boy died an hour later,» Akylbek Mamanov said.

The child’s parents contacted the police.

The Internal Affairs Department of Oktyabrsky district informed that a pre-investigation check had begun and the necessary examinations had been ordered.