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Aitmatov and Cinema International Forum to be held in Bishkek

Aitmatov and Cinema Forum will be held at the Kyrgyz National Library named after Alykul Osmonov as part of the Bishkek International Film Festival on November 18. Kyrgyzcinema.com website reports.

The program also includes a retrospective of film adaptations of Chingiz Aitmatov’s works. In total, 30 feature films were produced based on the writer’s works.

The film festival will be held from November 17 to November 21 and is dedicated to the 95th anniversary of the birth of the national writer Chingiz Aitmatov.

In addition to the forum, workshops, a panel discussion, and a master class on acting are planned.

The jury of the competitions includes famous names of world film production Semih Kaplanoğlu, Philip Che, Elena Dulgheru, Park Sung-yeon, Gulsara Azhybekova, and actress Türkan Şoray as the main guest of honor of the festival.