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RUB 1.00

Export of Kyrgyz goods on Wildberries estimated at 2.6 billion soms

For January — August 2023, exports of goods from Kyrgyzstan amounted to 2.6 billion soms (2.8 billion rubles). The Deputy Minister of Economy and Commerce Nazarbek Malayev said at e-Commerce EXPO 2023.

According to him, the total number of suppliers from the Kyrgyz Republic on this trading platform is 5,275, individual entrepreneurs — 4,882, legal entities — 393. The total number of goods sold during the specified period reaches 2,885.6 million pieces.

«Kyrgyzstan can become a center of logistics and e-commerce for Central Asian countries, subject to the development of innovative logistics centers. We are committed to positioning the republic as the digital hub of Central Asia and, from a policy and regulatory perspective, we have made significant progress. The Ministry of Economy and Commerce is actively working to optimize government regulation, improve the quality of the institutional environment and create favorable conditions for the development of e-commerce in the Kyrgyz Republic,» the official said.

E-commerce is developing rapidly and its full development is not only the creation of online stores and online companies for the sale and provision of services, but a complex process with its own laws and rules, he said. E-commerce is the main driver of the growth of the country’s digital economy, so it is necessary to outline its boundaries for Kyrgyzstan and determine the parameters for an analytical assessment of this market.

«An acceleration in activity in e-commerce and e-business is observed in recent years. Although the sector is not yet widespread in the Kyrgyz Republic, it is growing rapidly thanks to a vibrant entrepreneurial base, a relatively reliable Internet network, and a strong public-private dialogue on digital trade. One of the important problems on the path to the development of sustainable e-commerce in our republic is the opinion that goods purchased via the Internet may be of lower quality and that it is better to negotiate services in person. But in recent years, there have been significant advances locally in mobile payment systems and app-based commerce platforms. There are more online stores now than there were a few years ago, and the range of commercial services available via the Internet has expanded significantly. At the same time, it is important for us to increase consumer confidence in financial institutions and mobile payment systems, and work is also underway in this area,» Nazarbek Malayev told.