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Repeat elections: Tokon Mamytov removed from Butun Kyrgyzstan party list

Toktokuchuk Mamytov, a participant in the repeat election of deputy of the Parliament, was excluded from the list of candidates from Butun Kyrgyzstan party. The decision was made by the Central Election Commission (CEC) of Kyrgyzstan.

He had previously filed an application to withdraw from the list of candidates for a mandate from the political organization, because he is not running from it and cannot be on the party list and run as an independent candidate at the same time.

Repeat elections of deputy of Parliament will be held in Leninsky single-mandate constituency on September 10. Registration will last until August 20 inclusive.

Earlier, the CEC declared the results of the snap elections of a deputy of Parliament in Leninsky district, held on May 28, invalid, since the votes cast for Damira Niyazalieva were annulled. She won 35.86 percent of the votes in the elections, which is more than a third.