USD 86.45
EUR 92.47
RUB 1.00

Salary of bus drivers in Bishkek to be increased

Salary of bus drivers in Bishkek will also be increased in September. The Department of Transport and Road Infrastructure Development of the City Hall of the capital informed 24.kg news agency.

It is noted that now bus drivers are paid up to 30,000 soms, and after the increase — 50,000 soms.

The department noted that after the introduction of electronic ticketing, the income of municipal carriers should increase, since the problem of «black cash», or unofficial cash transactions, remains relevant now.

Drivers of trolleybuses held a rally on Thursday. They told that about 100 people had already written a letter of resignation. Later it became known that their salaries would be increased to 50,000 soms. However, the drivers demand an increase up to 60,000, and most of them left their working places.

Recall, cash payment for travel in municipal buses and trolleybuses of Bishkek will be cancelled from August 20.