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Earthquake in Turkey: SDMK transfers over 16 million soms for affected people

The Spiritual Directorate of the Muslims of Kyrgyzstan (SDMK) transferred more than 16,400 million soms to the Turkish Embassy for the people affected by the earthquake.

According to the SDMK, the head of the State Commission for Religious Affairs Toigonbai Abdykarov, Deputy Mufti Samidin Atabaev, and kazy of Bishkek Shakir Mamatov visited the Turkish diplomatic mission and met with the Ambassador Ahmet Sadik Dogan. They said a prayer for those who died in the earthquake.

The press service of the muftiyat added that the imams collected 16,417,294 soms to provide assistance to the affected people. The money was transferred to a single deposit account.

According to the latest information, the total number of victims of the earthquake in Turkey has exceeded 35,000 people.

Two earthquakes of magnitude 7.8 and 7.5 hit southern Turkey on February 6 near Gaziantep city, where more than a million people live. Dozens of aftershocks were registered in Syria, Georgia and other countries.

The Turkish Embassy in Kyrgyzstan announced collection of humanitarian aid. A single deposit account was opened in Kyrgyzstan to raise funds to help the victims.
