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Residents of Maksat village ask president to return stolen property

Residents of Maksat village, located in Leilek district of Kyrgyzstan, ask the country’s authorities to return the property stolen during the spring border conflict or compensate for its loss. Local resident Saparali Adinaev told 24.kg news agency.

According to him, life in the village is getting worse from day to day.

«The houses were built and each family was given 100,000 soms to buy furniture and other necessary things for the house. After all, everything was burned down and stolen. The Tajiks stole livestock, cars and agricultural machinery, which was used to earn money. The authorities promised to return them or compensate, but nothing has been done yet. No one came and raised this issue after the visit of the President Sadyr Japarov,» Saparali Adinaev told.

In a video message to the president, local residents note that they cannot go to work abroad, as they are afraid to leave their families.

«There is no job, but we cannot leave the children alone in Maksat and go to work. You yourself know what the situation is. For example, Tajiks stole my tractor, which I bought on credit. I don’t know how to repay the loan and how to feed my six children,» a resident of Maksat says.

According to the administration of Leilek district, seven trucks and 36 cars, 509 heads of cattle were stolen by the Tajiks during the conflict.

Earlier, the Cabinet of Ministers informed that 51,556,000 soms were allocated from the republican budget for payment of compensations.