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Kumtor case: Dastan Bekeshev interrogated at Military Prosecutor's Office

Deputy of the Parliament of Kyrgyzstan Dastan Bekeshev was interrogated at the Military Prosecutor’s Office. He himself told 24.kg news agency.

According to him, he was asked questions within the framework of criminal case on Kumtor.

«I was interrogated as a witness. I have no complaints against the investigators. I signed a nondisclosure agreement. I think it is a waste of time,» Dastan Bekeshev said.

The defendants in the case on Kumtor are the former and current MPs Torobai Zulpukarov and Iskhak Pirmatov, the latter has already been sentenced to a fine. Another person involved in the case, ex-prime minister Omurbek Babanov, has been released from custody. The measure of restraint for Talant Uzakbaev and Almazbek Baatyrbekov has been changed.

Former speaker of Parliament Asylbek Jeenbekov and the First Deputy Prime Minister Taiyrbek Sarpashev are in custody. Ex-prime ministers Temir Sariev and Dzhoomart Otorbaev were detained. Supporters believe that the arrests as politically motivated.

Former president Askar Akayev, who visited Kyrgyzstan, also agreed to cooperate with the investigation within the Kumtor case. Executives of the Canadian Centerra company and the management of Kumtor Gold Company have been added to the wanted list.