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President of Kyrgyzstan signs decree on Anti-Corruption Council

President of Kyrgyzstan Sadyr Japarov signed a decree approving the composition of the Anti-Corruption Business Council under the President.

According to the press service of the head of state, this structure was formed following the meeting of Sadyr Japarov with the business community on June 23.

The main goal of the creation of the Anti-Corruption Business Council is to improve the main directions of state policy in the field of combating corruption and to ensure an effective dialogue between public authorities and civil society, in addition, to create favorable conditions for business development, improve the investment climate and mechanisms for protecting and supporting the activities of business entities.

The Anti-Corruption Business Council includes deputies of the Parliament, members of the Cabinet of Ministers, representatives of the business community and academic circles:

  • Sadyr Japarov — President of the Kyrgyz Republic, Chairman of the Council;
  • Nuraipa Mukanova — Secretary General of the Council;
  • Meerimbek Koichumanov — deputy of Kyrgyzstan faction of the Parliament (as agreed);
  • Chingiz Makeshov — deputy of SDPK faction of the Parliament (as agreed);
  • Marlen Mamataliev — deputy of Respublika — Ata Zhurt faction (as agreed);
  • Natalya Nikitenko — deputy of Ata Meken faction (as agreed);
  • Baktybek Turusbekov — deputy of Bir Bol faction (as agreed);
  • Kurmankul Zulushev — Prosecutor General;
  • Kubanychbek Bokontaev — Chairman of the National Bank (as agreed);
  • Daniyar Amangeldiev — Minister of Economy and Commerce;
  • Almaz Baketaev — Minister of Finance;
  • Ayaz Baetov — Minister of Justice;
  • Ulan Niyazbekov — Minister of Internal Affairs;
  • Bolotbek Kupeshev — Minister of Education and Science;
  • Alymkadyr Beishenaliev — Minister of Health;
  • Erkinbek Osoev — Minister of Transport and Communications;
  • Robin Ord-Smith — Business Ombudsman (as agreed);
  • Marat Sharshekeev — President of the Chamber of Commerce and Industry (as agreed);
  • Stalbek Akmatov — President of the Union of Jewelers and Entrepreneurs of the Kyrgyz Republic (as agreed);
  • Almazbek Akmataliev — Rector of the Academy of Public Administration (as agreed);
  • Keneshbek Alymbekov — Head of the Department of the Kyrgyz Economic University named after Musa Ryskulbekov (as agreed);
  • Nomanzhan Arkabaev — lawyer, journalist of Zhany Door newspaper (as agreed);
  • Rustam Baltabaev — Head of the Association for Development of the Agro-Industrial Complex (as agreed);
  • Yalkun Dautov — Chairman of the Public Council of the Ministry of Internal Affairs (as agreed);
  • Almaz Ibraev — Director of the International Center for Education and Research (as agreed);
  • Samat Ibragimov — President of Consumer Rights Protection Public Association (as agreed);
  • Rapiya Isaeva — Associate Professor of the Department of the Kyrgyz National University named after Zhusup Balasagyn (as agreed);
  • Emilbek Isenaliev — Chairman of Supreme People’s Control Public Association (as agreed);
  • Abdilashim Israilov — President of the National Association of Credit Unions and Cooperatives (as agreed);
  • Cholpon Koichumanova — Head of the Center for Humanitarian Research in Central Asia of the National Academy of Sciences, Corresponding Member of the National Academy of Sciences (as agreed);
  • Shevki Lutfullah — Chairman of the Board of the Public Association of Entrepreneurs, Culture, Solidarity and Friendship Turkey — Kyrgyzstan (as agreed);
  • Farkhad Pakyrov — Executive Director of Legal Entities Business Association ZhIA (as agreed);
  • Gulumkan Samtyrova — Co-Chair of Anti-Corruption Fair Assistance Public Foundation (as agreed);
  • Askar Sydykov — Executive Director of the International Business Council (as agreed);
  • Artur Tashibekov — Executive Director of the Association of Markets, Trade and Service Enterprises (as agreed);
  • Aktilek Tungatarov — Executive Director of the American Chamber of Commerce in the Kyrgyz Republic (as agreed);
  • Gulnara Uskenbaeva — President of the Association of Suppliers (manufacturers and distributors) (as agreed);
  • Radik Shabdanov — head of People’s Supervision Public Association (as agreed).

Observer members — development partners (as agreed):

  • Aiten Rustamova — Regional Director of the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development for Central Asia;
  • Gabriela Guellil — Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of the Federal Republic of Germany to the Kyrgyz Republic;
  • Keith Simmons — Acting Mission Director of the United States Agency for International Development in the Kyrgyz Republic;
  • Olivier Bangerter — Ambassador of Switzerland to the Kyrgyz Republic;
  • Fred Houston — Director of Ukuk Bulagy Project, US Agency for International Development;
  • Eduard Auer — Head of the European Union Delegation to the Kyrgyz Republic, Ambassador.