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Dozens of Tajik students banned from entering Kyrgyzstan

Kyrgyzstan has denied entry to dozens of Tajik students. Radio Ozodi reports.

According to the media outlet, over 100 citizens of Tajikistan studying at the higher education institutions of the Kyrgyz Republic have not received permission to enter Bishkek, despite repeated requests.

It is noted that the students previously did not agree with the proposal of the Education Ministry to continue their studies at Tajik universities and insisted on study in Kyrgyzstan.

One of the students said that he went to the Tajik-Kyrgyz border, but the Kyrgyz border guards did not let him through. According to him, he was offered to continue his studies at a university in Tajikistan, but he refused.

The authorities of Tajikistan say the border is unilaterally closed and they have repeatedly asked Kyrgyzstan to let the students through. A source in the Ministry of Education and Science of Tajikistan told reporters that they contacted the Kyrgyz authorities through the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, but received no response.

The conflict at the border took place on April 28 in the area of ​ Golovnoy water distribution point. It developed into the use of army units and heavy equipment. At least 189 Kyrgyzstanis were injured, 36 were killed, including children. The Prosecutor General’s Office began pre-trial proceedings under the article «Crime against peace» of the Criminal Code of the Kyrgyz Republic and assessed the actions of Tajikistan as a military invasion.