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MP asks authorities to take women and children out of camps in Syria

Member of Parliament of Kyrgyzstan Dastan Bekeshev asks the authorities to take the Kyrgyz children and women out of camps in Syria. He posted the request on his Telegram channel.

According to the MP, there are 88 women and 223 children in Al-Hol camp, 16 women and 34 children — in Old Roj, and 5 women and 14 children — in New Roj.

«I think they should be taken out. It will be a big problem for us, of course, I mean that they will need rehabilitation, it will be necessary to create certain conditions for them, but we cannot give up on them. These are our citizens,» he reminded.

It was reported earlier that 500 Kyrgyzstanis left for Syria. Thirty of them died. No agency can voice the exact number of women and children, who may be living in militant camps.

Civil activists called on the Kyrgyz authorities to speed up the process of returning Kyrgyz refugees from Syria. The Cabinet of Ministers responded to the call and informed about the start of work back in August 2019. However, nothing has been done so far.