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Kyrgyzstan not to vaccinate pregnant women against COVID-19 yet

Kyrgyzstan will not vaccinate pregnant women against COVID-19 yet. Head of the Republican Center for Immunoprophylaxis Gulbara Ishenapysova told 24.kg news agency.

According to her, indications and contraindications are clearly described in the instructions for the vaccines. «We are following the instructions. The vaccines that we now have in Kyrgyzstan are not used to vaccinate pregnant and lactating women,» Gulbara Ishenapysova told.

Earlier, the World Health Organization (WHO) advised breastfeeding mothers not to give up breastfeeding because of vaccination, since immunity can be transmitted through milk to a child. Pregnant women have also received an increased priority for vaccination due to the risk of severe COVID-19 form.

«WHO can only recommend, but our strategy remains the same based on our orders. We also discussed this issue with the WHO regional office. We take everything into account and continue to monitor the mass vaccination. In addition, we asked to provide the experience of other countries on vaccination of pregnant women. After receiving the information, we could revise our orders,» Gulbara Ishenapysova added.

She stressed that no serious side effects have been registered after vaccination with Sinopharm and Sputnik V in Kyrgyzstan. There are cases of headache, nausea and other symptoms, but they disappear within 24 hours.