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Green areas per person reduced 10 times in Bishkek

Green areas per person have reduced 10 times in Bishkek. Executive Director of Archa Initiative Public Foundation, ecologist Dmitry Vetoshkin, said presenting the project «Integrated landscaping and role of green spaces».

According to the expert, the only way to protect yourself from the heat and create favorable living conditions is landscaping.

«At + 34 degrees, the city heats up to + 48 degrees. When Kyrgyzhydromet predicts that it will be 37 degrees above zero, urban areas are warmed up to 50 degrees. Such territories are expanding by 3-4 percent every year. The temperature of the road drops by 12 percent, if there are green spaces. The temperature along the canals and rivers is reduced by 15 percent with landscaping,» Dmitry Vetoshkin said.

He added that the correlation of dust pollution in green areas is also lower.

Environmentalists have also found out that green Bishkek depends on precipitation.

«If it is raining — there will be a lot of green areas, but this is shameful. Irrigation networks in the capital are not working. Plants depend on external factors, although these are artificial plantings and must be irrigated artificially. The availability of green spaces per person in common areas has reduced 10 times since 1983. We are told that there are more people now, but the green areas have also reduced. According to construction codes and standards, green areas should reach 21 percent. In 1983, there were 35 percent in Frunze, and now it is only 3.5 percent per resident. Construction norms are not regulated in our country,» the ecologist Dmitry Vetoshkin concluded.
