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Third wave of COVID-19: Virus becomes more aggressive

Strains of coronavirus detected in Kyrgyzstan are more contagious, the disease is more severe than that caused by the last year’s Wuhan strain. The Head Physician of the Republican Clinical Infectious Diseases Hospital Gulzhigit Aaliev told 24.kg news agency.

According to him, the structure of the virus has changed, it has become more aggressive. «First of all, the respiratory system is damaged, and then — the other organs,» Gulzhigit Aaliev said.

He noted that the situation in the hospital is stable, about 400 patients are being treated. About 40 patients have been discharged today. The supply of medicines will last up to two months.

Earlier it was reported that all strains of coronavirus were detected in Kyrgyzstan: Indian, British, South African, Brazilian. «The last surge in the number of people infected with coronavirus is also associated with these mutations. The rate of spread of these mutated COVID-19 variants is 50-70 percent higher compared to the primary variant,» experts say.

At least 1,392 new cases of community-acquired pneumonia and COVID-19 have been registered in Kyrgyzstan for the last 24 hours, including 803 in Bishkek.