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Batken tragedy: Kyrgyzstanis picket in Germany

Kyrgyzstanis studying and working in Germany are picketing outside the Embassy of Tajikistan in Berlin.

They demand from the authorities of Kyrgyzstan to officially recognize the military attack by Tajikistan as an invasion. As a result of the aggression, civilians had died, including a 12-year-old girl.

Compatriots also ask to resolve border issue and prevent other bloody clashes with use of weapons. «Rahmon, stop!», «Don’t attack civilians!», «Stop aggression!» one of the banners of protesters says.

Representatives of civil society asked the authorities to compel Tajikistan to compensate for damages to the families of the victims. Collection of signatures has begun under a petition on the actions of the Tajik military on the territory of Kyrgyzstan to submit it to the UN Security Council.

The conflict on the border took place on April 28 in the area of ​ Golovnoy water distribution point. It later developed into the use of army units and heavy equipment. A number of border villages in Batken region were attacked. The parties finally agreed on the armistice and withdrawal of troops only on the evening of May 1.

At least 178 Kyrgyzstanis sought medical help, 34 people died, including a child. More than 33,000 people have been evacuated from the conflict zone. The Tajik side unofficially reported more than 150 wounded and about 10 dead.

According to the Ministry of Emergency Situations, 78 houses, two schools, a village first-aid station, a kindergarten, a police station, three checkpoints, ten gas filling stations and eight shops were destroyed in Kyrgyz border villages. Border outposts were also damaged. According to the Tajik side, more than 10 houses have been destroyed by fire in Khoja Alo border village.

The Prosecutor General’s Office of Kyrgyzstan began pre-trial proceedings under the article «Crime against peace» of the Criminal Code of the Kyrgyz Republic.